Thursday, February 4, 2010

Welcome to my new blog. With the incredible assistance of my wonderful friend Ricky, we at Chapel Hill Ear Nose and Throat Facial Plastic Surgery have decided to establish this blog page. For those of you who know me already, you know, I really like to talk. And I really,really enjoy talking to my patients about the problems that bring them to see us. With that in mind, I thought it might be helpful to start this blog page and share the thoughts and ideas that my patients bring to us and the concepts we develope together as a team.

Since the medical side of my practice is primarily concerned with patient's complaints relevant to allergic problems, hearing problems, snoring problems and all manner of form of symptoms related to chronic sinusitis, this particular blog will concentrate on those patient concerns. Any questions about facial plastic surgery will be covered by a future blog page dedicated to that specific area.

Since I thoroughly enjoy " thinking out of the box",and in this case, the box is often the sinuses, it is my plan to share with you, on a weekly basis, at least the
thoughts and sometimes unique ideas that come to us, always with the assistance of our patients. Hopefully some of these thoughts will help you to reconcile the symptoms that bother you most and are at the genesis of why you came to this site in the first place.

In an effort, to facilitate your understanding in this area, and ultimately to reconcile your symptoms, I've included my my e-mail address so that we can communicate. directly. I will try to get back with you with answers to your questions on a regular basis as well-at least weekly.
Hope this site is a win-win for all of us. I look forward to get a getting to know you and hopefully helping you.
Thanks a lot, Ron


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Did you know that it is possible to remove someones nose using only your Index finger and Middle finger
